Return & Refund Policy

We are committed to providing quality lighting and take the customer experience very seriously. Customer satisfaction is our greatest pursuit. If there's any quality problem with your purchase, as long as you contact us within 30 natural days since you receive the package, we will process your return and refund request in 48 hours.


About Return

You have the right to a partial/total refund or replacement (not including accessories) if you receive the defective, damaged, mis-shipped, lost Items. As for lost items, we will re-ship them if they are available. Otherwise, you'll get a refund.

Conditions under which goods cannot be returned:

  1. Returns without a return authorization will not be accepted.
  2. Not applicable to clearance products.
  3. Products that have been installed and used
  4. Customized products cannot be returned


Process Your Return

We encourage you to go for a thorough check-up when you receive the package and make sure whether the items are the ones you have specified. If the item meet the conditions for return

1.Take photos and videos to show us the defect to verify and make sure that it is in the original condition, unused, undamaged put back in the original package.

2.Send your order number, return reasons and photos/videos to

3.We will handle your request and provide you the solution within 48 hours since we receive your request.

4.Once your return is received and inspected, we will notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If you are approved, we will provide the return address for shipping.


Return Charge

If the return is due to our problems (such as: incorrect products, quality problems of products, send wrong address), customers charge the shipping fee first, and send us( the shipping fee bill, we will provide a full refund and the return shipping fee for you within 4-6 working days since we receive the return item.

If the return is due to a customer issue (e.g., don't like/want the item, ordered the wrong item/size, provided an incorrect or incomplete mailing address), the customer is responsible for the return shipping costs and we will refund the order amount within 4-6 business days of receiving the returned item.

If the return is due to the shipping party problem(such as: lost the package, send to the wrong address, damage during the transition), we will resend a new item or refund the amount of item within 4-6 working days .

Note: We won't charge any restocking fee to the customers for the return of a product.



Once your return is received and inspected, we will notify you of the approval or rejection of your refund. If you are approved, the refund will be provided to the original method of payment within 4-6 working days since we receive your refund request.

If you haven’t received the refund within 4-6 working days, please check your bank account again. Then contact your bank or credit card company. It may take some time before a refund is official posted. If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund, please contact us


Order Cancellation

Custom products are not eligible for cancellation, because custom products cannot be resold.

For standard product, you can cancel for free within 24 hours after you place the order. Once the product is shipped out, the order can not be canceled. Please contact us by email: for cancellation. 

Any purchase on indicates that you have read, understood, and agreed with our Cancellation & Return Policy stated above. reserves the right to make changes and/or improvements to this policy.

If the above information does not solve your problem, please do not hesitate. Contact us immediately for prompt assistance.


For further information, please contact us

Address: 250 N Columbine St Unit 311, Denver, CO 80216 US


Phone:  +1(281)236-4018

Hours: Monday to Sunday 24*7